The Owl

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  • R

    Roland MontoyaJun 18, 2024 at 11:50 pm

    My daughter is there, an they promise her that she’ll be the bride of the messiah! The same promises the other times she was there, than kicked out to the streets with no brain of a rational thought, an repeating she’s the bride of messiah. She was homeless, eating out of trash cans, n ending up in several mental institutions every time they kicked her out! I visit when I can till she says no. Cause I’ll be truthful to my daughter of how they left her the last times she was kicked out. Is their rapist n pedophiles there? I don’t know, but did see my daughter be so out of her mind there where she couldn’t walk or talk! Theirs many good there, but the handful of evil mind altering chemicals rule the place. I’d rather tell the truth than lie to my daughter, but than she says I can’t visit no more when I say they poison, spray acids , gasses, to keep her stupid n in line with their beliefs. Cause they spray me when I visit, an my daughter does peculiar things with her tongue that some other woman do there like their on acid! They’re “lit up” like their brains frying on chemicals. Yellow Deli has some poisoners-like a Jim Jones keeping his people stupid n in line! An they deny any past occurrence I’ve mentioned over the years I’ve visited her. Importantly, theirs good innocent people there following the good road, an others who seem like rapist poisoning the victims who are most innocent of what’s going on. I wouldn’t call them a cult, it’s more like criminals raking in the profits of unpaid workers, an in the sell of their high priced food, poisoning, an possible rape! My outlook of my visits! Outside of the Yellow Deli their is gang of organized teams of sprayers that work the streets that went after my daughter to silence her of what has happened to her. They’ve even sprayed me -still do. They’re an evil bunch of brown recluse n white racist! The yellow deleted is a very scary place to get dumbed down at, an than be trapped. For you must comply or get thrown out in the streets with no money, car , n only the clothes on your back, an nothing else. Lastly, for the wonderful-good people I’ve met there, it’s a good place to be if their was no poisonous people there, an all were able to practice their religion in live with a peace of mind an a solid community working together. I feel it’s still capable for a joyous , happy n peaceful place. They just have to get rid of the poisoners who jelly the mind to take advantage of the ladies, free work n money thefts! They should each be getting one thousand a week, like five grand a month for their current California minimum wage law. Their pay is a place to live an eat. They’re saving tens of millions of dollars annually in labor by just, acid spraying, feeding n housing the workers! Mafia-terrorist war crimes-written all over it!

  • Z

    Zahar RacineMar 24, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    Thankyou for the inspiring words from our cult to yours . Our food makes up for alot of our faults. Nothing like having a great sandwich makes up for abuse and zero pay for our “owner employees” . This is a business model that Burger king and Starbucks will soon have and you kids will have the same marvelous opportunity to experience this lifestyle which you really seem to applaud.

    • B

      Brian NApr 10, 2024 at 6:25 am

      Hello. I eat at the Kingston Ontario Yellow Deli. Great food wonderful decor (a lot of fancy restaurants could learn a thing) and the staff never talk their religion, beliefs, or whatever unless you ask and even then very mild. Food is not complicated but very good. Well worth the time to visit.
