Released in 2012 by Finnish developer Supercell, the mobile game Clash of Clans has been popular with highschool students for years. The game pioneered the genre of "idle strategy", a style marked by its...
While traveling down Colfax, the glistening spire of Casa Bonita is hard to miss. But this pink metropolis stands for more than what meets the eye. After clawing through the reservation process, I finally acquired a table at this fine Colorado establishment. Known for its nostalgic charm, this restaurant...
Instagram Reels is racist. It’s a fact that is very well known among most who use the platform, and it is becoming a bigger problem. A recent survey of Boulder High School students has shown that a large majority (76.1%) of students believe that Instagram reels has a higher degree of racism, sexism...
Most people know the joy of having a dog or cat as a house companion (or if you are one of those people who like reptiles…no judgment…maybe a little). Aside from the usual dog or cat, few consider having a relative of the dinosaur in the home. At first impressions, chickens seem like an odd...
Struggling is an unavoidable and necessary part of human life, so why do we fail to properly communicate when it comes to mental health struggles? In previous generations, there has been an extreme stigma around mental health and until recently, speaking openly about these subjects has been quite taboo....
The future is a fickle thing. It is a mystery that is impossible to uncover and an aspect of our reality that carries an immense amount of weight. Yet we can attempt to predict what will happen in this shroud of uncertainty and estimate the trajectory of current trends, but it can only take us so far....
Every year, many seniors are shipped off to college without considering that a gap year might be for them. So many young people are never given a chance to live out their youth, not in school, and are pressured to know exactly what they want to do as soon as they turn eighteen. Many don’t realize the...
Where do we draw the line between teasing and bullying? Often, it has to do with power and the equality or imbalance of it. Teasing is light-hearted, whereas bullying is ruthless. While this isn’t new information, sometimes we tend to forget that, especially when these concepts are transferred to an...
A few weeks ago, the BHS Owl received a mysterious piece of mail. No bigger than a textbook, the envelope was tan colored, of average shape, and relatively light - inconspicuous. Upon opening the package, however, Mr. Wright, a tenured LA teacher at BHS, met a rather conspicuous pair of piercing blue...