The Owl

Griffin Nguyen

Griffin Nguyen, Staff Writer

Griffin Nguyen is a sophomore here at Boulder High. He has managed his freshman year and now works to get through the next year. He has a passion for history, politics, occasional photography, and having all sorts of opinions. This is his first year of newspaper, and he is excited to apply his interests in his work for the Owl. In addition to those interests, Griffin likes to ride his bike, go on runs, and attempts to tame his crazy dog. After a year of trying to talk to his friends about philosophy, he has come to an epiphany that he should probably read more books. You will often find Griffin in the halls or sitting in the cafeteria. He has a ton of things he wants to do but often will find the time for none. As listed before, Griffin has a passion for opinions, which usually amounts to a list of grievances, but one stands out, a great injustice which is the overrepresentation of green grapes. Purple grapes are the only acceptable grape, preferably with seeds. A green grape is not a grape; it doesn’t even taste like grape, while the purple grape produces all the notes considered grape-like; therefore, if he wanted a grape, he would choose an actual grape, not a green monstrosity. 

All content by Griffin Nguyen
The Boeing 737 is the best selling jetliner and the most utilized model for commercial travel.

The Boeing Problem

Griffin Nguyen, Staff Writer May 16, 2024

Summer break is fast approaching and with almost three months of time off comes the opportunity to leave one’s ordinary life behind and go far away to some unique place. How would one travel to such...

What Does the Future Hold?

Griffin Nguyen, Staff Writer February 28, 2024

The future is a fickle thing. It is a mystery that is impossible to uncover and an aspect of our reality that carries an immense amount of weight. Yet we can attempt to predict what will happen in this...

Now would be a good time to check your tardies. Many students didnt know about how many tardies they had until they were slapped with detention.

The New Tardy Policy

Griffin Nguyen December 21, 2023

A Tardy is a given consequence for showing up late to class. We all know what a Tardy is, we all know what it means, yet some of us still show up to class late. It is a consequence best avoided but not...

Off of 19th street, on the east side of the school is where I parked my bike Friday morning. By afternoon my bike had been stolen but the thief had the decency to leave me with my helmet.

Stolen Bikes

Griffin Nguyen, Staff Writer November 13, 2023

 It was a Friday, 3:55 in the afternoon, when the bell rang. I made my way through my usual route, down the stairs from the 3rd floor to the main entrance so I could enjoy the last drops of the summer...

Kathmandu II is a Nepalese restaurant here in Boulder. One of many restaurants classified as ethnic.

State of Ethnic Restaurants in Boulder

Griffin Nguyen October 25, 2023

No doubt you’ve been to a Mexican restaurant or an Indian restaurant, really any restaurant that doesn’t serve you chicken tenders with a side of corn dogs. Any of these places would be considered...

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strikes

WGA and SAG-AFTRA Strikes

Griffin Nguyen October 2, 2023

Today marks 141 days since the Writers Guild of America (WGA) went on strike last May, making it one of the longest strikes in WGA history, only a few days short of the 1988 record of 153 days. Not only...

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Griffin Nguyen