High School Mascots
Some Are Better Than Others
Some schools get creative with their mascots- for better or for worse.
Nothing’s more creative and innovative than mascots like the Eagles, Wildcats, or the Bulldogs. But what about mascots that you haven’t heard? The ones that make you question if they even exist. I can assure you, these are all real and memorable.
1 Panthers – Boulder High School
What can I say? The intimidating panthers are superior and I’m sure the other schools in Colorado are envious of our mascot.
2 The Mighty Bunnies – Benson High School
In elementary school, my soccer coaches would allow us to name our teams. We’d come up with names like Blue Bananas, Ballerz, and possibly even something like the Mighty Bunnies. I’m not sure if “mighty” is the adjective to describe bunnies, but it’s surely memorable!
3 Galloping Ghosts – Kaukauna High School
Hmmmm. I’ve never seen a galloping ghost, or even a real ghost at all, but I could imagine being intimidated seeing a ghost bolting at me like a horse.
4 The Winged Beavers- Avon Old Farms School
I can see how this could be intimidating. Beavers already have sharp teeth that chew through wood, now imagine it with wings, snarling in the air. Although it doesn’t seem very likely to happen, you have to watch out for those Winged Beavers.
5 Nimrods – Watersmeet High School
This is just a low blow from the district’s administration, if you ask me. Someone was definitely petty after they got rejected by someone from this high school. If anyone transfers to Watersmeet High School, you’ll be surrounded by a bunch of Nimrods! Not only them, but you’ll be one too…
6 Awesome Blossom – Blooming Prairie High School
For those who’ve seen The Office, the only image that comes to mind when I hear this is Michael ordering the Awesome Blossom dish at Chili’s. Not only is “Blossom” bad, they decided it wasn’t enough, and added the cheesy rhyme to get the idea across. Extra points for creativity, though.
7 The Hot Dogs- Frankfort High School
Sure, it’s supposed to actually be a weiner dog, but why change it to Hot Dogs? I mean, we’ve heard of the Bulldogs or the Pitbulls, but Hot Dogs just defeats the purpose. Nice try.
8 The Skeeters – Mesquite High School
My thought process behind this one is maybe they were connecting the connotation of mosquitos being annoying and small enough that they’re hard to catch? They sure do leave their mark (literally) and are remembered for a couple days. It’s also just fun to say.
9 Pretzels – New Berlin High School
I guess there’s one thing to take away from the Pretzels: it’s a yummy snack. Although I don’t see how it could be a mascot instead of the food sold at the concession stand at a football game. It is truly unique, though.
10 The Knights – Fairview High School
It’s common courtesy they’re even on here.

Caitlin is a senior at Boulder High School and a new member of The Owl. By joining the newspaper, she hopes to use it as an outlet to share interesting stories, dive deeper into topics that interest her, and have a more thorough understanding of journalism. Not only does she like writing, but she plays both club and high school soccer. She started the sport when she was in 4th grade and has continued to love the game more each year. Unless she has soccer practice, she often goes to get boba tea with friends or the swings at North Boulder Park at night with them. Ever since she was young, she’s loved to bake cakes and cupcakes. Her favorite part of the process was decorating and making them...
Brian Donahue • Jul 13, 2022 at 6:43 pm
This brings me back to 1975 at BHS. The whole student body voted (more than 50%) to change the mascot from the Panthers to the Moles. The election was deemed legitimate by the administration but Principle John Hoback swooped in and invalidated the plebiscite without explanation. That was an early life lesson for us about the limits of democracy and the tendency towards authoritarianism by the establishment.