Mrs. Cornacchione: Gone “Wild” in the West


Annika Bjorklund

Mrs. Cornacchione took a different direction on “Wild West” day.

Perhaps you saw a woman walking around Boulder High School looking a little out of place on Thursday September 16th. She may have been wearing ski pants, a helmet, and goggles. Unfortunately, it appeared as though a tree branch had impaled her in the head and she was covered in bark. If you saw this woman wandering the halls, you actually saw Mrs. Cornacchione’s interpretation of the “Wild West” spirit day. Mrs. Cornacchione was uninspired by a “Wild West” day directly after “Denim” day. So, she thought outside of the box and decided she would be a skier who had gone wild in the west and ended up running into a tree. Her outfit certainly was a creative take on a seemingly straightforward spirit day.