A Breakdown of Sleeping with Socks
To everyone who thinks sleeping with socks is weird, think again.
Let’s talk about going to bed with socks. I thought going to bed with socks was normal until a conversation in class arose, where many of my classmates thought it was weird to wear socks to bed. To those nay-sayers on the going to bed with socks topic, I assure you this population is not weird or crazy; we just have to adapt to the circumstances that are given to us. Although socks in bed may seem to be a questionable decision to the non-sock-to-bed population, wearing socks to bed has offered me a type of comfort so rare and so luxurious that I previously thought it impossible.
In both my parents’ households, my room has sadly been designated the award of coldest room in the house leading me to run abnormally cold year-round. This leaves me in a predicament where you stack two comforters and three blankets on your bed but somehow your toes are still cold. Anyone else been there? Well, having cold feet creates an inability to go to bed by constricting blood vessels. The solution is simple: wear socks to bed.
At first, when I tried to wear socks to bed, I was so uncomfortable. My toes felt as though they were being strangled to death. I felt like my toes were saying, “Let me out!”. It took me a few weeks to get used to the constricting feeling, but in the end I was getting more sleep than before.
Let’s not forget that the type of sock also matters, a great deal. Based on the temperature of the room and general material used. The short socks that I wear with my shoes don’t make the cut for my high standard of bedtime socks. Bedtime socks must go to a minimum length of mid-calf. For the fall and spring, I wear the socks United Airlines provides on overseas flights. After all the socks I have tried, one real game-changer is the soft texture and stretchy nature of the sock and with the added benefit of grips on the bottom, you will never be falling down in these socks! Now, for the winter socks, I wear Smartwool ski socks that go up almost to my knee and are thin enough where I still have airflow. The socks you wear to bed matter a great deal for the ultimate sleeping experience.
To all those people who think wearing socks to bed is still weird, I was once in your position until I was so cold that the only way to stay warm is socks. Nobody wears socks to bed for fun (though the socks that you wear can create a wonderful or miserable experience). I strongly suggest to any of my cold feet gang out there to try wearing socks and to the no-sock gang to also try wearing socks. You might just realize that’s the key to sleeping better.
Kaia Holicky • Dec 14, 2020 at 11:56 pm
I really like how this article decribe the point of view of a sock wearer because you don’t get to hear them very often. i personally don’t wear socks to bed unless it is usually freezing and sometimes not even then, however I enjoyed your prospective. If you decide one day you do not like it try warming up a sack of rice and putting it by your feet. It is like a heater, and I personally like it much more than socks.
Skye Aker • Dec 14, 2020 at 11:25 pm
To be completely honest, I felt uncomfortable knowing that people liked to wear socks to bed because it personally makes me feel constricted. I never thought of the benefits, especially better sleep! This reminded me of a list that I’m curating: a to-do list of harmless yet spontaneous activities that will help me break out of my repetitive schedules. After reading this article, I am compelled to try wearing socks to bed. My mother is always lecturing me on how I need to dress warmer because it will drastically improve my health as well. Thanks for the insight!
Jamie Hirshland • Dec 14, 2020 at 4:10 pm
As a person who does not wear socks to bed, reading this article brought great insight into what I thought was a simple topic. I did feel that people who wear socks to bed were slightly concerning, but until now, I didn’t really think of why they are doing so. Fortunately, my rooms at both my houses are not the coldest. Sometimes actually they are the warmest, which becomes an issue in the summer. Anyway, this article was really funny and I didn’t even stop to think about the science and thoughts behind sleeping with socks on. Great job!
Jordan Warner • Dec 11, 2020 at 8:20 am
As a person who wears socks to bed, I really appreciate this article. I am constantly told by everyone in my family that it is weird, but now I can show them this article and prove them wrong. Thank you for the advice on which kind of socks to wear because I never know! You did a really good writing this article, and it was incredibly funny.
Cody McConnell • Dec 9, 2020 at 8:32 am
I had no idea how in depth one could go on the subject of simply wearing socks to bed. I never have thought of the act as weird, yet I feel a bit of disgust when I think of someone wearing socks to sleep. However, with the way you put it, the effort you seem to have put in to find the perfect pair of socks, it makes the ordeal acceptable to say the least. While I still will not wear socks to bed, if I find myself in a situation similar to yours, I may consider it, and I never would have done that if not for your article. It is well articulated and thought out. Great work!
Eli Heart • Dec 8, 2020 at 9:08 pm
Wow, I really did not realize there was so much science behind this seemingly simple topic. Thank you for the interesting information. I generally do not wear socks to bed, but when I do, on the coldest of nights, I realize now that I have gotten better sleep than before. I always used to think it was because I felt cozier, but now I think I know the real reason. Thank you!
Isabel Fronzaglia • Dec 8, 2020 at 4:36 pm
My dad occasionally wears socks to bed and I’ve always made fun of him for it, but you’ve convinced me to try it at least once. My room is also the coldest in the house, so I might just have to dig out my smartwool ski socks and give it a go! I really liked your article!
Luana Cooper • Dec 8, 2020 at 3:34 pm
I really appreciate the originality of this article. Personally, I don’t wear socks to bed. I have noticed that whenever I do wear them to sleep I end up kicking them off in the middle of the night. Although, after reading this article I am thinking of trying it again because now I know which socks are preferable to sleep in.
Samantha Nudelman • Dec 8, 2020 at 1:26 pm
I really appreciate how this article describes the benefits of wearing socks to bed through the use of different types of socks. I personally do not wear socks to bed, but seeing all the reasons and benefits, I am now inclined to give it a try since cold feet at night is a common issue.
Malia Hanson • Dec 8, 2020 at 1:17 pm
I personally don’t like wearing socks to bed. I am also in the coldest room in the house, and have found that an additional blanket on only my feet alleviates the need for “bedtime socks.” Maybe those who don’t like wearing socks to bed should consider having a blanket just over their feet.
Lucia D Murdock • Dec 8, 2020 at 9:12 am
As a non-sock wearer, I appreciate the detail in the description of which sock works better. I get cold feet at night, so maybe the United airlines socks could save me! I love smartwool, too.