Whether you’re a seasoned gym bro or fresh into the world of fitness, it can be a daunting and unruly place. With hordes of tank-top-wearing prepubescents and middle-aged women milling around, there is a lot to track. And with a 3.6% increase in the number of gym memberships in 2021 according to IHRSA, a global fitness non-profit, gyms are only getting busier. With this increase in activity, it appears basic etiquette has rapidly deteriorated in many commercial gyms. Benches lay slick and sweaty, and bars are adorned with unracked weights. It seems time for a refresher on the unwritten rules of the gym.
Hygiene and cleanliness are a central component of gym etiquette, and perhaps the most neglected one. When equipment is left unkempt and unclean, it creates an unpleasant experience for future users. Generally, equipment should be wiped and sanitized after use, no matter the duration. This is not solely a matter of cleanliness but a matter of respect; cleaning your equipment shows diligence in keeping the shared space clean. Personal hygiene is also a vital part of the protocol. Do your peers a favor by ensuring you wear clean clothes and deodorant. We all sweat, but pungent-smelling gym goers make it a worse experience for everyone.
Another critical but often ignored rule is to share the equipment with others when you are not using it. Failure to let others “work in” creates tension and unnecessary wait times for benches, free weights, or machines. While resting is an essential component of exercise, it is imperative that you are conscious of your environment and respectful of the time and needs of others. This means asking others if they’d like to use the equipment between sets if you’re accustomed to more extended recovery periods. This serves to dramatically increase the efficiency of the gym.
While it is customary to make a bit of noise while lifting, excessive grunting, shouting, or dropping weights unnecessarily can be very disruptive. Be aware of the sounds you make, even if that means turning off your noise-canceling headphones to be more mindful during your set.
After you finish your workout and head to the locker room to grab your things, maintain personal space and privacy. If you want to pose in front of the mirror to admire your pump, make sure that you are not disturbing others. The locker room can be a vulnerable place and it’s vital to ensure that everyone is comfortable.
To end the article, let’s address a few personal gripes. These might not be universal rules, but they do personally offend the writers at the Owl. We feel that a balanced physique is important, and skipping legs is a cardinal gym sin. No one wants to be shaped like the letter “T”, so don’t skip legs! And finally, you don’t need an entire gallon of water, hydration is important, but a Nalgene will certainly suffice.