Maya Roberts and Audrey Kaufman Lead StuCo in Stride
Audrey Kaufman and Maya Roberts
Maya Roberts ‘21 and Audrey Kaufman ‘21 lead Boulder High’s StuCo to a successful year despite challenges presented by the pandemic.
Just over a year ago, students and teachers would crowd into Boulder High’s gym to watch sports teams parade around and peers compete in games at the start of each sports season. During the end of the first semester, students with a ponytail to spare would gather in the front entrance of the school to support the Pantene Beautiful Lengths project—a partnership between Pantene and The American Cancer Society that provides wigs to people with cancer. Among many, these activities were organized by Student Council (StuCo). But with the COVID-19 pandemic, such events have had to be canceled, while others have only had to be adapted.
Maya Roberts ‘21 and Audrey Kaufman ‘21 are Boulder High’s president and vice president of the student body for the 2020-2021 school year. Both have been a part of StuCo all four years of high school and wanted to make an even bigger contribution to the Boulder High community by stepping into a leadership role. “I know it will be an incredibly challenging and different looking year, but I have many ideas in store to make this year the best possible! I’m focusing on a diverse, open and inclusion-based community, with a voice for all BHS students,” Roberts wrote while campaigning for the position of class president.
Kaufman and Roberts have succeeded in making the best out of a poor situation. Virtual spirit weeks replaced in-person ones and posters commemorating healthcare workers filled the courtyard. “We found it important to have the virtual spirit weeks and decorate the courtyard because we wanted to uplift the community, give people something to look forward to and create a positive setting,” Roberts said. Kaufman affirmed this and added that the spirit weeks helped “give a sense of normalcy to teachers and students.”
Kaufman explained that one of StuCo’s biggest accomplishments this year was the success of their partnership with There With Care. “There With Care is a non-profit organization based locally in Boulder. Their work supports families with children facing cancer and other terminal illnesses,” she said. In past years, donations were raised through coin wars at rallies—an activity whereby grades would compete to see how much money could be raised with students’ pocket change. Despite no rallies taking place this year, Kaufman and other StuCo members were still dedicated to supporting the foundation. “We ran a virtual drive where members of the Boulder High community could purchase items from their Amazon wish list to ship to the [There With Care] office. The items donated added to a total of over 700 dollars, and the volunteers and families receiving the items were extremely grateful for our support,” Kaufman added.
Roberts and Kaufman’s efforts to unite the Boulder High community extended beyond the StuCo classroom. The two have begun planning a walkout in response to the verdict of the recent Adain Atkinson trial. “I wanted to make some kind of statement that lets victims of sexual assault know that there are people that are standing with them and will always believe them, regardless of whether or not the justice system does,” Roberts said. While this event is not affiliated with StuCo or the school, Roberts explains that Dr. Hill and Mr. Cawfield have been very supportive and helpful with the planning.
Above all, StuCo was able to work with the limitations and restrictions due to the pandemic to continue Boulder High’s strong and giving community. Thank you, Audrey and Maya!

Amelia Chapman is a senior this year at Boulder High and a new member of The Owl. She loves creative writing but hasn’t had much exposure to journalism, which is why she is so excited about joining the paper. By being apart of The Owl, Amelia also hopes to further develop her own writing skills and immerse herself more into the Boulder High community. Whenever she has time, Amelia can be found trail running up steep mountains, watching Spanish telenovelas (Las Chicas del Cable is her favorite), or hiking/napping with her dogs (all of which are rescues and two of which somewhat resemble rodents). Amelia also enjoys spending time with her friends and eating good food and frequently combines the...