Bereft at 32,000 Feet
Without their emotional support animals, passengers face a turbulent future of air travel.
“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have now reached our cruising altitude of 32,000 feet. The seatbelt sign is off and you are free to move about the cabin and interact with your emotional support animals.”
Relish this sentence; you will never hear it again.
At the close of what has been a singularly difficult year, the Department of Transportation dealt another blow to the American public when it announced that regulations around emotional support animals would be tightening in 2021. According to government experts, only specially-trained dogs count as emotional support animals when it comes to commercial air travel.
The government, along with its airline allies, says that emotional support monkeys are “disruptive,” comfort hamsters are “unnecessary” and therapy pigs make other passengers “uncomfortable.” This attitude seems excessively uptight. Commercial airlines aren’t exactly known for being high-altitude oases, especially for those of us slumming it in coach, so why not embrace the madness and spice up the experience with an impromptu traveling zoo? The turkeys could play with the cats, the turtles could come out of their shells to interact with the hamsters and the miniature horses could give kids rides up and down the aisle. At least people would have something to post about their travel experience other than “flight delayed again, the kid behind me won’t stop kicking my seat, the snacks aren’t even free. Help.”
It seems that a menagerie of flying comfort creatures could make for a particularly ingenious marketing campaign. If I were Southwest’s PR person and heard that there were penguins on board one of our flights, I would be all over that. Think of the possibilities!
Southwest: Bringing the Arctic to You.
From Atlanta to Antarctica and Everywhere in Between.
Play with a Penguin: Southwest Offers Animal Companions to First-Class Customers on Long-Haul Flights.
Despite this marketing gold mine hitting airlines harder than an arctic storm, they seem to be resolutely against aviating animals. In 2018, United Airlines denied flight to a peacock named Dexter. This event has been brought back into the public consciousness in recent weeks, with the Anti-Animal party claiming that “The Dexter Incident” is a prime example of how this legislation has been a “long time coming” and will “improve the flight experience for all passengers” blah blah blah. Anyone with a memory span longer than a goldfish will know that this debacle isn’t even about Dexter; it’s just United being United. They refuse to let girls in leggings board their planes, so this is less about a peacock’s airworthiness and more about an airline that just likes to make things more contentious than necessary.
I get it: this year has been tough. Airlines have been forced to furlough thousands of employees; their caterers have been reduced to selling snack mix to those who miss the taste of first-class; patience is wearing thin and the standard cheery demeanor is slipping. But if you were trapped in a pressurized flying cylinder wearing your N-95 mask, surrounded by hundreds of strangers who may or may not be carrying a deadly and highly contagious virus while trying to get to your holiday destination, would you not feel the need for an emotional support kangaroo to assuage your anxiety? It’s cheaper than flying with your therapist and airlines are all about economics these days, so this seems like a consideration to pass on to the big wigs. Let the CFOs run the numbers and make their spreadsheets, but you’ll see that a price can’t be put on emotional stability.
Let’s get a hashtag trending and a Supreme Court case going because this insanity has got to be stopped. First they say we can’t bring our comfort honeybees on a plane and before you know it, they’ll be telling five-year-olds that teddy bears are strictly prohibited. Either hop on a private jet or the Pro-Animal bandwagon, because when it comes to United Airlines v. Dexter the Peacock, I see only one possible victor.

Elliote Muir is a senior and is very excited to join The Owl for her last year at Boulder High. Having loved creative writing since she was little, and as an avid skimmer of The New York Times, Elliote is thrilled to get the chance to learn more about journalism this year! When Elliote isn’t in school, you can find her captaining Boulder High’s mountain bike team, skiing, waiting for the next season of The Great British Bake Off to premiere, playing with her dog, and adventuring in the wilderness with friends and family. As a self-proclaimed foodie, Elliote loves cooking and baking (but mostly baking) and trying new foods. Her favorite food—okay, her favorite meal—is her dad’s homemade...
Moses Markels • Dec 15, 2020 at 11:58 am
Great piece, I never even thought about how important emotional support animals can be on flights. It seems that a lot of people need something or someone to help them in times of stress and plane flights can be very stressful. It’s also very interesting that you mentioned how dogs shouldn’t be the only animals allowed for emotional support. My only question is, where does one draw the line? You can’t just allow anyone to bring their bet on a plane, especially those with more exotic pets. How does an airline decipher which animals truly are for support and which are just people wanting to have a pet on a plane?
Prativa Gurung • Dec 14, 2020 at 9:18 pm
I agree that support animals should be permitted on planes. They are, indeed, a lot cheaper and comforting than bringing your therapist along with you. I wasn’t even aware of the situation until I read this article, so it was pretty surprising to learn that one couldn’t even bring small animals like hamsters along with them, let alone peacocks and pigs! I really liked how you clearly made your points across and added humor into it in the process. It was enjoyable to read, and I somehow feel very educated.
Veda Weissman • Dec 14, 2020 at 6:46 pm
I agree that dexter should be allowed to fly, also I liked how you made this article funny but also informational at the same time. I hope something changes and all support animals will be allowed to fly. I also liked how you added the part about how commercial airlines only classifies trained dogs to be support animals. Also flying in coach is sometimes boring and seeing animals can make your flight a lot easier. In the end I thought you did a great job with this article.
Veda Weissman • Dec 14, 2020 at 6:41 pm
I do agree that united airlines should not be denying dexter the right to fly, also I like how you made the article funny and also informational, I like how you added the part about the flying in coach and how animals can make it more fun for passengers. I learned a lot about flying with pets and support animals through this article. I hope something changes and people can get to have their different types of pets on board. I also think it was a good idea that you said on how commercial airlines only think that trained dogs classify as service animals and that is a bias .
Annika McMillan • Dec 14, 2020 at 1:16 pm
I enjoyed reading this and I completely agree with you. I think that especially now considering the times we are in, having an emotional support animal can be helpful for people. I appreciate your use of humor in the article too, makes it much more fun and interesting to read.
Amelie Gentry • Dec 14, 2020 at 12:01 pm
I loved this article! It is so true how many emotional support animals there are and it is very easy to get that title for yours! I remember at my old job (food service) a lot of people would come in with their dogs claiming they are ‘service dogs’ because they are emotional support. It always put me in an uncomfortable position to let them know they are not aloud because that was store policy. I loved your humor in this and your way of appealing to the audience. Good job!!
Amelie Gentry • Dec 14, 2020 at 12:01 pm
I loved this article! It is so true how many emotional support animals there are and it is very easy to get that title for yours! I remember at my old job (food service) a lot of people would come in with their dogs claiming they are ‘service dogs’ because they are emotional support. It always put me in an uncomfortable position to let them know they are not aloud because that was store policy. I loved your humor in this and your way of appealing to the audience. Good job!
Luana Cooper • Dec 14, 2020 at 10:43 am
I really enjoyed reading this article and I agree with you. In times like this I think that having an emotional support animal can be really beneficial to some people. I enjoyed how engaging and funny this article was, I also think we need to stand with Dexter and all the other animals. I think that United needs to make a change. Great job!
Autumn Nack • Dec 14, 2020 at 9:11 am
I really enjoyed reading this! I agree that there are uncomfortable experiences while sitting in coach, and I liked how this was brought up in contrast to how having emotional support animals can be fun on airlines. I hope change happens to allow emotional support animals on airlines so people can have a more relaxed and adventurous experience.
Elliote Muir • Dec 13, 2020 at 7:38 pm
Thanks Isabel, I agree that me being Southwest’s ad guru would be “just plane smart.”
Zoe Heart • Dec 13, 2020 at 3:07 pm
Wow I 100% agree that we need to stand with Dexter, especially in a time like this. United Airlines is not only denying Dexter his right to fly; they’re denying all the other passengers of their right to have a peacock as part of their in-flight experience. Shameful. Seriously, though, this was a really funny article and I also learned something so great job!
Isabel Oliver • Dec 13, 2020 at 9:49 am
Elliotte I think you should be a professional southwest advertisement guru
Nathalie Pena • Dec 12, 2020 at 2:31 pm
I really liked this article! I think your ideas were not only right, but really funny. I love the way you described all the things that could happen with a zoo on board, and I love how you talked about how flying coach is already so uncomfortable because I can relate to that. I find it very upsetting, but not surprising that the people who made this law seem to not care about those who will be effected by it. I mean if people have a service animal it is because they need it for one reason or another. I also appreciate this piece because you slyly added the detail about all the injustices United enforces. I think they need to be held more accountable for their actions. Overall, very good job with this article, you not only made it informational but also interesting and fun to read! I hope something changes with this, so people can go back to feeling safe on a plane and the people around them can have some fun!