Being Thankful in 2020
2020 has been a year that few can say they’re thankful for. The worldwide lockdowns in March and April, the horrifying murder of George Floyd in May and the effects of record-breaking wildfires are only a few of the things that have proved this year to be a series of unfortunate events. As health officials warn that a second stay at home order may be approaching as the country recovers from a divisive election, the word “grateful” is far from in anybody’s vocabulary to describe their feelings towards this year. But with Thanksgiving only two weeks away, there are a few things that deserve a thank you.
Covid-19 has kept Americans stranded at home with canceled plans, lost jobs, leaving the economy in shambles, yet in the midst of havoc, teachers kept a sense of normalcy in their virtual classrooms. Beginning March 12th, when all of our phones lit up with the news that school would be canceled until after spring break, teachers quickly rushed to create a plan to make sure learning continued through the national crisis. Teachers hurried to make Schoology pages and write lesson plans, to grapple with the national unrest themselves, but still choosing to be there for their students. When we went under lockdown, custodians, health care workers and truck drivers became frontline workers. By continuing to go to work every day in a global pandemic, they never failed to put the needs of our community before themselves.
This summer, following the murder of George Floyd, activists flooded the streets to protest racial injustice. The protests sparked an international movement, leading millions of people to educate themselves and start uncomfortably yet long overdue and necessary conversations. The movement has created a remarkable chain reaction of change and has pushed individuals to reexamine their own racial biases.
When record-breaking wildfires sparked this fall in California, Oregon and Colorado, firefighters didn’t hesitate to rush into the flames, saving lives and fighting to protect homes and communities. Volunteers came from other cities and states, offering to help in any way possible.
As the 2020 election approached, teenagers across the country, who were not yet old enough to vote themselves, organized phone banks, worked with nonprofits, wrote postcards encouraging people to vote and led the US to hit a record high voter turnout this year.
2020 has undoubtedly been an awful year, but through every horrific event our country has endured, there have always been people working hard to help us get through them. This year has brought incredible amounts of devastation and loss. Still, this Thanksgiving, let’s take the opportunity to show gratitude for the workers, teachers, activists, political leaders and neighbors who worked to foster hope and resilience through every crisis our community has faced.

Gracie is a junior at Boulder High School. She has always enjoyed writing and is excited to write for The Owl this year. By taking part in Newspaper, Gracie hopes to gain a better understanding of journalism as well as strengthen her writing skills. When she’s not at school, Gracie is often rowing, spending time with her dog Lucy, or cooking. She also is part of the swim team and FBLA at Boulder High. She loves reading the news and has a passion for politics, hoping to study political science after high school. While she cares about many things, Gracie is most enthusiastic about her love for green grapes.
Eve Bleam • Dec 14, 2020 at 8:00 pm
This article really helped me realize that even though all the bad things that have happened there are also things to be very thankful for. As you said in the article the work our frontline workers are doing for all of us every day is something to be very thankful for because without these people we would be in a much worse situation. This past thanksgiving every family was in a different situation with different things to be thankful for depending on their situation and what has happened in their family, but it’s really important to acknowledge everything you are thankful for even on days other than thanksgiving. This article made me think about everything I am thankful for every day from a small thing to all the amazing people working to keep us safe.
Leah Roberts • Dec 14, 2020 at 8:54 am
I like a lot of the points you made throughout your article. Even though this year hasn’t been the best for many it is important to realize there still is a lot we can be grateful for. Although there has been a lot of negatives there have been many positives to come from it. A lot of the protests while they did spark controversy and violence, they provided justice and clarity to many. It is interesting to see a lot of key events spread out like this. I think you did a really good job showing the positives for this year.
Leah Roberts • Dec 13, 2020 at 7:56 pm
I like a lot of the points you made throughout your article. Even though this year hasn’t been the best for many it is important to realize there still is a lot we can be grateful for. Although there has been a lot of negatives there have been a lot of positives to come from it. A lot of the protests while they did spark controversy and violence they provided justice and clarity to many. It is interesting to see a lot of key events laid out like this, I think you did a really good job showing the positives for this year.
Payton Robinson • Dec 13, 2020 at 3:32 pm
Your article really makes me realize the good that has come out out of this year. Yes there are a lot of bad things that went down in the year of 2020 but its so important to find the good in everything. If there was one word to describe this year I would say community. Its been cool to see everyone come together and help eachother out in almost every situation possible. We have all been able to spend more time at home (which can be both good and bad) but I have enjoyed the time with my family and I would’ve never been able to have this oppurtunity with out Covid.
Malia Hanson • Dec 8, 2020 at 1:25 pm
I think that this year has made people focus more on themselves because we’ve all had to spend more time with ourselves. It’s super important that we acknowledge all of the people who are working hard for a sense of normalcy during these unusual times. I think you did a really great job noting the hard things, but finding the silver lining in each struggle of 2020.
Jonathan Wright • Dec 3, 2020 at 8:26 am
You made me really consider the human response to all of these great challenges, and you’re right: that is something to be very thankful for. Thanks for reminding me!