Boulder High Newspaper participates in “ONE DAY” contest

The BHS OWL was involved in a statewide contest back in December, hosted by Colorado Student Media Association, in which newspapers attempt to produce as many newspaper stories as they can about their school community. The contest, dubbed “ONE DAY,” aims for school newspapers to report on a “day in the life” of their local high school. The prize, 300 dollars, would be used to continue the production of the print newspaper The OWL

BHS OWL writers went all over the school today, searching for stories as well as attending events and interviewing individuals around the community. Some students were forced to search high and low for a story, as all students were required to participate and write on a story for the contest. One student, so desperate for a story, proposed covering an event in Telluride, 373 miles away from Boulder High. The idea was quickly shut down. 

There was a mishap the day prior, as Mr. Wright, the teacher overseeing the BHS Owl, thought the “ONE DAY” contest was that day, the 5th when in actuality it was on the 6th. Unfortunately, the mistake was only realized after several students had left to pursue their stories. The rest of the class was then left brainstorming story ideas for the “ONE DAY” contest the following day with the class still eager to participate after the slight setback. 

If you have any story ideas or news that needs to be covered, be sure to contact The OWL on our website.