Both Haley Bonowitz, ’24, and Charlee Sheinbaum, ’24, began playing soccer at five years old. Charlee says she began playing because her whole family did, and Haley said, “I started playing just because it was a sport that requires lots of running, and as a kid, I loved running so much.” As current varsity captains, both Charlee and Haley emphasize the team aspect of soccer as one of their favorite parts. Charlee says, “Obviously, I love actually playing, and the adrenaline rush being on the field gives you, but my favorite thing about soccer is the friendships that I have formed from it. I have met some of my very best friends from club soccer and high school soccer, which is what makes playing the sport worth it”, and Haley says, “I enjoy the way the team dynamic in soccer is just as important as the skill of each player itself.”
Haley and Charlee both began their Boulder High soccer careers as freshman on varsity making this season their fourth season as members of the varsity soccer team. Haley and Charlee both say that the team is extremely tight knit this season and that makes the culture of the team positive. “The culture has been amazing and has only gotten better each year. We’re not just a team, we’re a family.” After three seasons on varsity, Haley and Charlee both became captains this year, which is a big honor for anyone who plays a sport. Along with being co-captains, they are also the only two senior left in the Boulder High Womens Soccer program. Charlee says, “Me and Haley have been on the team together every single year which is super fun, being the last two seniors is a really full circle moment. Our bond off the field, allows us to better connect on the field, and that’s what makes our team so strong.”
No sport or activity comes without struggle; Haley and Charlee struggle with “getting in their head,” as they say. Both seniors say that making a mistake can consume their thoughts in the game, and it is hard to let go and think about what to do differently. Focusing on these mistakes can compromise one’s confidence during a game and affect one’s playing for the rest of one’s playing time. Charlee says that this year, she is going to focus on not taking herself so seriously because, as she says, “It’s my last season of competitive soccer ever, and I just want to enjoy it.” another thing Haley struggles with is getting “psyched out before or during a game” she combats this struggling by finding community, “I can get through it by working for my teammates.” she says.
When asked at the start of the season what they were looking forward to this year, Haley said” I am most looking forward to playing every single game with all of my teammates and having the best last season with Charlee since we have played together on this team for four years.” Charlee had similar things to say about this season. She said, “I am most looking forward to just finishing out my senior season with my teammates. This is the closest I have ever been to any of my high school teams, and it is so much fun, win or lose. I would also say I am looking forward to the Fairview game!” Luckily for Charlee (and the whole soccer program), Boulder High beat Fairview for the first time this year since 2013, thanks to the positive team environment built and led by the two seniors and captains, Haley and Charlee.
Through her time playing for the Boulder varsity soccer team, Charlee gained “patience and work ethic.” She says that “Work ethic is even more important than skill or pure talent.” She goes on to share that she believes “a player who works hard and does not give up will stand out so much more than an extremely talented player who doesn’t.”
Haley and Charlee advise underclassmen to have fun and work hard. Haley says, “Continue to show up and put in the work when no one is looking.” working hard will move you closer to your goals, no matter what you’re trying to achieve. Charlee touches more on the social side of the sport. “just enjoy playing while you can.” she says. She goes on to share that her high school soccer years have flown by, and she is glad to have the relationships she has and to have kept the friendships she built. Haley and Charlee have been fantastic role models and teammates to every girl in the Boulder High Women’s soccer program, no matter what team they are on. Whether your focus is soccer, theater, or cooking, keep showing up and working hard, but never forget to have fun! This balance of hard work and fun makes everything worthwhile.