Every student at Boulder High has been there: the excitement of a lunch rush, students spilling out the front doors on their way to Snarfburger, Pearl Street, or for those short on time, Brooklyn Pizza and the gas station. Due to the convenience of Brooklyn, a slice of pizza is an easy and popular lunch option for the BHS student body. But where is the true number one spot to go for pizza on your lunch break? The Owl interviewed members of the fifth-lunch student body to hear your opinions on the best place to grab a slice.
Pizza Colóre, unsurprisingly, got the most votes as the favorite pizza joint in Boulder. Its variety of options, nearby location on Pearl Street, and comfortable dining space make Pizza Colóre a popular destination for hungry teenagers during fourth and fifth period. I personally have paid Pizza Colóre a few visits–and a good amount of my money–during the cold winter months for study sessions over slices of pizza, and I would definitely agree with the general consensus that Pizza Colóre is a great place to go for pizza around Boulder High.
Recently opened up-and-coming pizza joint Hillside Pizza only got a couple of votes, but it seems to have established itself well in the short amount of time it has been open for business. A handful of people I interviewed selected Hillside as their pizza place of choice in Boulder. If you’re looking for somewhere new to go for lunch, I recommend you give Hillside Pizza a try, my personal favorite due to its competitive prices and location on Broadway, just a short walk from BHS.
Brooklyn Pizza, while generally disliked by the interviewees, got a few votes due to its convenience and close proximity to Boulder High. However, Boulder students seemed to be of the opinion that if you have the time, you should go elsewhere to fulfill your quality pizza needs. Ruby Gustafson ‘26, offered her opinion on Brooklyn Pizza, declaring, “Brooklyn is bad. Anything but Brooklyn. Pizza shouldn’t flop.” When you’re extremely short on time, Brooklyn certainly meets your lunch rush needs, but the general consensus advises to search elsewhere for quality pizza.
Farther from Boulder High, the recurring mention for a favorite pizza place was Audrey Jane’s, followed closely by Proto’s on Broadway. These are definitely accessible by car, and highly acclaimed by the BHS student body. Not only that, but Audrey Jane’s Pizza Garage received some acclaim from Boulder Weekly a few years ago. Though I don’t visit often, it seems to be a local favorite in the Boulder area.
Finally, a few students claimed Abo’s or Cosmos pizza as their favorite place to go to grab a quick slice. While these answers only got one or two votes, the multiple locations of these small chains make them convenient places to eat no matter where you are around Boulder.
The Best Place for Pizza in Boulder
Ella Gibney
December 21, 2023
About the Contributor

Ella Gibney, Features & Insights editor
Ella Gibney is an apprehensive junior at Boulder High who is excited to continue voicing her opinions and astrological predictions in her second year with The Owl. Like any typical teenager, Ella is constantly swamped with homework and enjoys being a juvenile delinquent with the friends her mom has either adopted into the family or is convinced are Ella’s significant other. When she is not hidden away in the fluffy cocoon of her bed furiously home-working or lost in the world of ridiculous reality television, Ella can usually be found perusing Pearl Street in search of coffee, palm readings, or concert tickets to any band that “you wouldn’t know because they’re, like, super indie” (you probably know them). In her free time, Ella also enjoys being a passenger princess instead of driving to her multiple extracurriculars and activities, as she is prevented from getting behind the wheel due to a crippling fear of merging onto the highway. No, she will not let you have the aux. The only thing Ella despises more than highways and math homework is purple grapes, due to their appalling likeness to the taste of cough syrup.