Micronations: The Best Thing to Happen to Geography Since Pangaea
Currently, there are around 80 micronations dotting the globe. These are areas that claim independence but are not recognized as sovereign states by the United Nations or any other governments across the world. Micronations can range in size from one square foot to the 620,000 square mile swath of Antarctica. No matter their size, these micronations are often self-sufficient. Many micronations have their own flags, postage stamps and even currency.

One of the most prominent micronations in the world is the Principality of Sealand. Located seven miles off the coast of Great Britain, Sealand is situated on a man-made island fortress built by the British government during the Second World War. The fort was intended to defend Britain from German invaders but is technically located in the international waters of the North Sea. In 1967, Roy Bates, along with his wife Joan, two children and a few followers, declared the Principality of Sealand’s sovereignty. There were a few challenges to Sealand’s existence during its beginning but a judge declared that because the micronation is located in international waters “UK courts have no jurisdiction.” The Royal Bates family has lived there ever since. You can also become royalty in Sealand with a donation to their community and receive authorization from the Prince Regent himself.
The Independent Republic of Hualqui, located in Chile, was established in 1823 during the middle of the Chilean Wars of Independence. Caught between the crossfire of Chilean nationalists rebelling against the Spanish, the town of Hualqui was abandoned by both sides and was left susceptible to famine and attack by local tribes. War-torn, starving and fed up, the town decided to declare their independence. Sadly, a mere two days later Hualqui was reabsorbed into the Republic of Chile, which the town has been a part of ever since. Even though The Independent Republic of Hualqui no longer exists, it will go down in history as one of the shortest-lived nations in world history.

Within the United States there are multiple micronations, including North Dumpling Island. This island off the coast of Connecticut was bought for $2.5 million in 1986 by Dean Kamen, the inventor of the segway. Kamen wanted to build a wind turbine on the island but was denied by local officials. He decided to secede from the United States and form his own nation of North Dumpling Island. The then-president George W. Bush even complied with the succession. The island has its own flag, constitution, anthem and recreation of Stonehenge. Kamen, who prefers to go by Lord Dumpling, is the sole resident of the island.
Mount Athos is a micronation that covers about 130 square miles of a Greek Peninsula. The area is home to 20 monasteries devoted to the practice of Eastern Orthodoxy. The peninsula and its namesake mountain are steeped in mythology and the first monasteries date back all the way to the Byzantine era. Monks have lived here for hundreds of years, calling the territory the “Garden of Virgin Mary.” It can be difficult to visit the area though, as only men are allowed in.

Nestled in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark, the micronation of Christiania is a haven for the hippies of the world. Founded in 1971 on an abandoned military compound, the free city of Christiania is a socialist utopia with a vibe that feels like it’s still the 70s. There are no cars or corporations within the walls of Christiania where everything is homemade and the children play safely in the streets. It’s home to about 900 residents who have chosen to live an alternative lifestyle in a community built entirely on supporting your neighbors.

The most well-known micronation down under is that of The Principality of Hutt River. Founder Leonard Casley, “Prince Leonard,” declared independence from Australia in 1970 to protest wheat production quotas. Ever since its creation, Casley and his family have been fighting the Australian courts over taxes and legal status. Due to the death of Prince Leonard in 2019 and a decline in revenue, the Principality was forced to dissolve in August of 2020.
These are only a fraction of the wonderfully weird micronations that have sprung up across the globe and a quick google search for the list of them all is plenty to provide entertainment for hours.

Ella Webber is a senior at Boulder High and a new member of The Owl. She’s excited to be a part of the paper and hopes to have the opportunity to share the stories of students who aren’t always heard. She hopes to learn as much as possible about the world of journalism and to improve and expand her writing style. Ella is a rower and has been on the crew team for five years and when she’s not out on the water she spends her time exploring the outdoors and all the natural wonders Colorado has to offer. She enjoys fishing and rock climbing with her friends and can be heard blasting ABBA at all hours of the day. One of Ella’s heroes is the “The Queen of Disco” Donna Summer who overcame...
Ben • Dec 14, 2020 at 11:52 pm
This was such an interesting article to read! I’ve never learned or even really heard of micronations, so this article was very informational to read, and you wrote about it with such a clear knowledge on the topic. The linked photos give a greater sense of what may go on in these micronations, and they give a clearer look into their culture and possible similarities between these micronations and our own nations or those we are familiar with. I greatly enjoyed reading this, as well as learning about something I really might never have without your article. Keep up the great work!
Rev. Darrin V Webber • Oct 26, 2022 at 3:05 pm
Micronations are sometimes called “project nations”. Many , like mine , are silly hobbies. Some seriously try to get recognition as true nations. Some are local tourism sponsors.
Some are businesses with profit being the goal. Some are social clubs. Some are oriented towards particular causes, such as combating global warming. And some are/have been criminal scams.
His Serene Lordship
Rev. Darrin V Webber
King of Highguard
Laurel Gabbard • Dec 13, 2020 at 5:19 pm
It was super cool to learn about micronations! I honestly had not heard of them before, but it was fun to see how people had an idea in mind about how they wanted their micronation to be and they were and are still able to sustain that and live there. I also found it super cool that George Bush let Dean Kamen secede and create North Dumpling Island. I also think it is interesting how Hutt River dissolved after the death of Casley, and that the reason that it was created in the first place was a form of protest and also sort of for economic reasons. Overall, I enjoyed this article, and I enjoyed learning about a whole new topic that I had no clue about beforehand!
James • Dec 12, 2020 at 5:33 pm
This was an awesome article! Before reading this, I didn’t even know micronations existed. It is fascinating to see the origins and locations of these nations. I liked the images you included but after seeing sealand I doubt I could live there. Probably would be alright on North Dumpling Island though. Hopefully one day Dean Kamen might let me in.
Cody McConnell • Dec 10, 2020 at 9:54 am
I love this article, it is interesting and very creative in it’s subject. I think my favorite bit was the part about North Dumpling Island. So many questions ran through my head, the first being, why would he name the island “dumpling”? Does that hold meaning to him? I know you do not know the answer, but you provoked the question, and that is one of the most important aspects of writing. I think Boulder would be great as an independent country because of our open and liberal views. Oh how many thoughts you have brought upon me with this article! Great work. IGN 10/10
Eli Heart • Dec 8, 2020 at 9:37 pm
This article was truly amazing! I found much joy in the information you provided and the links. I found my way to a picture of Prince Leonard of Hutt River and can now say that my life aspiration is to follow his footsteps and secede from the United States to run my own country. I wonder what the process of doing so entails. Does a seceder have to develop their own passport to return to the country? Are their grocery runs considered imports? must they pay taxes? What an interesting goldmine of daydream fuel!! Thank you for this rich article.
Darrin Webber • Mar 8, 2022 at 1:50 am
There are many types of micronations.
Some are very tongue in cheek…like my Kingdom of Highguard. Others are protests…lime the Conche Republic. Others are more serious and business oriented…such as the Republic of Molossia…but still humorous. And some are essentially social networks…like the Aeternian Empire or the Empire of Stomaria.
While North Dumpling Island was recognized by President Bush…it was purely honorific. The government still regards him as American…and I guarantee that he pays taxes.
Anyway…just Google “micronation”…You’ll learn a lot. And thanks for your interest.
His Serene Lordship
Rev. Darrin V. Webber
King of Highguard