Lofi Girl: Secrets of the Vibe
Lofi Girl is just chilling on her live stream, listening to music and taking notes with her cat.
Lofi Girl: the sweetheart of humanity, everyone’s favorite cat person since Taylor Swift. She’s the cover of the Lofi Hip Hop live stream on YouTube, where she writes in her notebook for weeks on end. Is she a terrible procrastinator? Or the future of humanity—the most studious person that the world has ever seen? A person whose brains could rival the likes of Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking and Baljeet? Today we will look at the global face of Lofi music and dive deeper into her daily routine to answer the question that we have all been asking: will she ever be done with her homework?
Lofi music has come into mainstream society over the last few years and is currently at the forefront, along with Mario Kart music, of songs that students listen to while studying. “Lofi,” short for low-fidelity, describes music that can fade into the background. There are no lyrics or intense noises to distract the listener from focusing on their studies. It also usually includes random sounds that are not reminiscent of more normal music styles, such as raindrops, the rustling of leaves and more.
Lofi Girl seems to have embraced this music style and listens to it at all times. While Lofi music is great and useful, many have expressed worry that she might even be too reliant on it to get through the day. She also seems to be constantly taking notes. Did her teachers give her too much homework? Is she just writing random things? What role does her cat play and why does she look at it every few seconds? Is she constantly studying or just chilling?
I reached out to some of my fellow teens to get their thoughts on this interesting girl and her cat. Senior Miles Wright notes that “The cat is the ultimate viber, you could say that he founded Vibe Town and wrote the Holy Vible.” The Holy Vible is a mystical thing and it seems to have no true origins, but then again, neither does this cat, so it only seems logical that these two things would fit together and Miles could be Wright about this.
Senior Cole Drozdek uncovered a long lost truth when he simply stated, “The cat lowkey looks exactly like Garfield.” Only the realest of real from Mr. Drozdek over here, stating the facts and nothing else. Drozdek also went on to talk about how her homework could be some sort of Greek punishment akin to the likes of Sisyphus, who has to roll a boulder up a hill continuously. Although he did note that “the vibes are too chill to be in hell ya feel the beats are too relaxing.”
With the tremendously important help from my peers, we were able to piece together some small solutions. Lofi Girl, simply put, is absolutely vibing. The cat’s purpose is to help her vibe. She has no needs, no responsibilities—she is just eternally chilling. She leads a life that myself, and many people in this world, would love to have. Lofi music will continue to rise to the pinnacle of high school life and Lofi Girl will rise along with it, spreading her aura of good vibes to everyone around her.

Luke Kreidl is a senior at BHS and a new member of The Owl staff. He enjoys writing and hopes to be creative with his stories, writing about whatever comes to mind. Luke plays soccer at Boulder High and has played for all four years of high school. Luke has a dog who periodically shows up on google meets until she gets bored. Luke also enjoys lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, and lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling in his free time. Luke enjoys green grapes because, as his grandmother always said, “purple grapes are Satan’s gateway to the soul.”
Lucia D Murdock • Dec 8, 2020 at 9:18 am
“Everyone’s favorite cat woman since Taylor Swift” is wonderfully accurate. And I am really excited to use the word “Holy Vible.” I loved this; LoFi Girl is clearly a crucial part of society and I’m glad she got the attention here that she deserved.
Ismael • Nov 10, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Loved this! Good stuff